Tuesday, October 19, 2010

17.10.2010 the birthday celebration

to day was reached Singapore at4.30am on sunday.
all of my secondary school's frens was celebrated my birthday at JB.....Loong bring me to Citysquare 1st then i get my "birthday big milk tea" from Wang Kok, but we cant finish it.....after that i get my new shoe hahaha......after this, we back Kar Wai's House to gathering all of us, the members are Loong,Nesta, Kar Wai,Kelly, and Foo.
we go "Hong Kong Zai" to take out dinner and then go "Da Ming Xing" to sing K untill 1.38am.
after Sing K we go have our supper untill 3am something..then we can fetch my honey alr....hahaha....

we wake up around 10am. then honey bring out all of the present n thing that he carry for me.
This year, honey give me:a Ring

then we take MRT to Somerset to waiting honey's sister come to join us....
we have a breakfast at 313.

Then we go around the Orchard Road...

around 4 pm Cherish and her bf was come, we have lunch @ Thai Express....and celebrate my birthday here.
after this, honey n me go to Sentosa.we go Casino a while to meet Loong n Jee Chung.
we are waiting for 8.30pm to watch the show that khen give us.

we are having dinner @ Sentosa

waiting the show time.....

we go buy the ticket back to ipoh.
honey buy 19.10.2010 10.15am ticjet @ Five Star....damn expensive de....
then go arounf Clarke Quay....
Clarke Quay

Both of us get our birthday present are wear in hand.....

Thank for all my family, Frens n honey and my honey's family celebrate my birthday.
even im @ Singapore now, but i still feel warm bcoz of u all.....

1 comment:

Narcissist RuBy said...

Happy belated birthday ^__^ carry on your blogging mood as long as possible ya.