Thursday, October 7, 2010

6 oct - 7 oct 2010

6 oct 2010
after finish my 1st presentation in MDIS, I'm prepare to back Malaysia.
11.30am, finish class, back hostel packing.....
around 1pm i start yo take MRT to Lavender after that take taxi around ($3.40) to Golden Mile Complex.
arrived there at 1.45pm.
i take my lunch there, there are a little Thailand, i have a pork noodle and a coconut there.
3.06pm i start my journey back malaysia.
the bus was quite nice to sleep, so comfortable....
1st time using the student pass....hehehe....
but i used 5 hour only reach bukit jalil....

after that, my sis n bb come to fetch my n join my younger sis to have dinner...
we had the korean food....
after that, they celebrate my 22nd year old birthday.
Thank you so mach....

my honey have come to find me that night~~

today, we had a lunh in full house sunway pyramid~
n buy so many thing there...

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